TM 11-6625-3081-23
Input Code
MAINT (cont)
TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER - Program the following temperatures:
A absolute,
A relative to ambient, B relative to A,
C relative to A.
Read the following temperatures: ambient,
A-ambient, A source, B or C source.
MOTORS - View the status of the following motors:
OSA focus, NIR focus, NIR variable filter, NIR target wheel,
NIR A mirror, NIR B mirror, FIR target wheel, FIR aperture
PROGRAMMABLE POWER SUPPLIES - Program the output voltages of
programmable power supplies 1 thru 4.
A /D CONVERTER TESTS - Read the output voltages of A/D conver-
ters 1 thru 4.
DIGITIZER - Read the values of channel A and B.
MATRIX SWITCH TESTS - Clear the matrix switch, disconnect or
connect a closed relay, and search for a closed relay.
PARALLEL BUS - Manually enter a number to be placed onto the
CID CAMERAS - Generate a line or graphics to be applied to
camera, and then displayed.
MULTIPROGRAMMER RELAYS - Connect, disconnect, or clear any mul-
tiprogrammer relay from 1 to 120.
MP QUAD DACS - Check the sync level, window 1 level, sine wave
level, and camera video level on D/A converter CCA 1. Check
the background level and window 2 level on D/A converter
CCA 2.
SHUTTERS - Open and/or close the day shutter, night shutter, and
OSA shutter.
PROGRAMMABLE PULSE GENERATOR - Display sync period, gate period,
enable, cmd, ppg, arm gen, and arm gate pulses.
VIDEO SIGNAL GENERATOR - Program the following: 525 line rate,
875 line rate, camera video level, brightness level, blanking
level, frequency, sine level, phase, and window parameters.
CALCULATE FUNCTIONS - Display the augmentation system software
part number and revision level, and display the FIR transmis-
sion factor.
EQUATE FUNCTIONS - Measure and program voltage and current
values for power supplies DC2A, DC2B, DC3A, DC3B, and 400 Hz
AC standard.
Change 18