TM 11-6625-3081-23
This section provides a basic description of the self-test and alinement
The information is presented by major assembly and module input code.
Input Code
This module gives the operator instructions to check extender
assemblies 1A9A1, 1A9A2, 2A2A8, and the extender assembly in the
AN/USM-410(V)2 for status of front panel lights. Then, the module
exercises the calculate commands.
If a time out error does not
occur before the first calculate command test is completed, the
IEEE 488 Bus, extender assemblies, and digital computer assembly
1A1O are functioning normally. Since a time out error locks out
the self-test program, the error message is displayed at the start
of the first calculate command test.
A calculate error will cause a prompt to be displayed upon
completion of the test.
This module tests fixed power supplies 1A4PS1, 1A4PS2, 1A4PS3, and
The 1A4PS1 28 vdc output is measured by using channel 226
of A/D converter assembly 2A2A13 and scaling accordingly.
A prompt is displayed if the voltage is not +26.0 to +30.0 vdc.
The 1A4PS2 +15 vdc output is measured using channel 227 of A/D
converter assembly 2A2A13 and scaling accordingly.
A prompt is displayed if the voltage is not +14.0 to +16.0 vdc.
The 1A4P3 -15 vdc output is measured using channel 228 of A/D
converter assembly 2A2A13 and scaling accordingly.
A prompt is displayed if the voltage is not -14.0 to -16.0 vdc.
The 1A4PS4 +5 vdc output is measured using channel 229 of A/D
converter assembly 2A2A13, and scaling accordingly.
A prompt is displayed if the voltage is not +4.5 to +5.5 vdc.
This module tests programmable power supplies 1A3PS1, 1A3PS2,
1A3PS3, and 1A3PS4.
Each of the programmable power supplies is
programmed and checked at three different dc voltages and cur-
The output voltage, load resistance, and noise (ac
ripple) are measured and compared to upper and lower limits.
The output current is calculated from the measured voltage and
load resistance, and compared to upper and lower limits.
A prompt is displayed at the completion of the test if an error
is detected.
Change 9