TM 11-6625-3081-23
Subject, Para
R (cont)
(see specific item)
Dayside Test Bench 2A1,
Electronic Station 1,
Nightside Test Bench 2A3,
Test Console Test Bench 2A2,
Test Program Sets (TPS),
Repair Messages, Self-Test Procedures,
Repair Parts, 2-3, 3-3, 4-3, 5-3, 6-3
(see specific item)
Dayside Test Bench 2A1,
Electronic Station 1,
Nightside Test Bench 2A3,
Test Console Test Bench 2A2,
Test Program Sets (TPS),
Reporting Equipment Improvement
Recommendations (EIR), 1-5
Resistor, Optical Signal Analyzer (OSA)
Housing Assembly Repair, 5-12
Resistor R1, Optical Signal Analyzer
(OSA) Relay Assembly 2A1A1A12 Repair,
Resistor R1 or R2, Capacitor C1, Power
Supply Assembly 2A1A6 Repair, 5-29
Resistor R1 thru R4, Optical Signal
Analyzer (OSA) Photomultiplier and
Bracket Assembly 2A1A1A7 Repair, 5-15
Resistor R5, Optical Signal Analyzer
(OSA) Filter and Detector Assembly
2A1A1A14 Repair, 5-14
Resistor 2A2A7R1, Electronics Drawer
Assembly 2A2A7 Repair, 5-34
Resolver Simulator Assembly 2A2A5:
Controls and Indicators, 2-8
Description, 1-13
Principles of Operation, 1-24
Replacement, 2-47
Subject, Para
Safety, Care, and Handling, 1-18
Scope, 1-1
Secondary Heat Source Assembly 2A3A1A17
Repair: 5-39
Heat Source Assembly A17, 5-39
Microcircuit and Heat Sink Assembly,
Self-Test Connectors:
Description, 1-15
Repair, 6-6
Replacement, 2-68
Wiring Data, 3-33
Self-Test Instructions, Self-Test
Procedures: 2-16
Equipment Requirement, 2-16
Exercising Self-Test Module, 2-16
Set Up and Initialization
Requirements, 2-16
Self-Test Procedures:
General, 2-12
Operator Instruction Messages, 2-17
Module Descriptions, 2-14
Module Input Codes, 2-13
Self-Test Instructions, 2-16
Self-Test Repair Messages,
Troubleshooting Data, 2-18
Sensor Mount Assembly 2A1A2A4A1O:
Controls and Indicators, 2-7
Wiring Data, 3-18
Sensor Mount Assembly 2A3A1A3:
Controls and Indicators, 2-9
Wiring Data, 3-30
Set Up and Initialization Requirements,
Self-Test Instruction, 2-16
Change 11