TM 11-6625-3081-23
Subject, Para
M (cont)
Major Test Adapter Repair, 6-4
Circuit Card Cover Assembly, 6-4
Connector J5 thru J12, 6-4
Connector J13, 6-4
Filter Assembly, 6-4
Guide Pin, 6-4
PC Card Guide, 6-4
Silicone Rubber Strip, 6-4
Switches S1 or S3, 6-4
Switches S2 or S4, 6-4
UUT Cover Assembly, 6-4
Major Test Adapter Replacement, 2-65
Equate, 2-65
Test Console Test Bench 2A2, 2-65
Matrix Switch Assembly, 2A2A1O:
Description, 1-13
Principles of Operation, 1-24
Replacement, 2-54
Troubleshooting, 7-27
Matrix Switch Assembly, 2A2A1O Repair,
Circuit Card Assembly, 2-55
Fuse, 2-55
Microcircuit and Heat Sink 2A1A2W55
Replacement, 5-23
Microcircuit and Heat Sink/Cable
Assemblies W24 or W25, Heat Source
Target Assembly 2A3A1A1 Repair, 5-38
Microcircuit and Heat Sink Assembly,
Secondary Heat Source Assembly 2A3A1A17
Repair, 5-39
Minor Test Adapter, Description, 1-15
Module Descriptions, Self-Test
Procedures, 2-14
Common Modules, 2-14
Dayside Test Bench 2A1, 2-14
INDEX (cont)
Subject, Para
M (cont)
Electronic Station 1, 2-14
Nightside Test Bench 2A3, 2-14
Test Console Test Bench 2A2, 2-14
Module Input Codes, Self-Test Proced-
ures: 2-13
Common Modules, 2-13
Dayside Test Bench 2A1, 2-13
Electronic Station 1, 2-13
Nightside Test Bench 2A3, 2-13
Test Console Test Bench 2A2, 2-13
Motor/Cable Assembly W16, 2A3A1A1
Repair, 5-35
Motor Replacement, Blower Assembly
2A2A15 Repair, 5-35
Multiprogrammer Assembly 2A2A6:
Controls and Indicators, 2-28
Description, 1-13
Principles of Operation, 1-24
Replacement, 2-48
Multiprogrammer Assembly 2A2A6 Repair,
Circuit Card Assembly, 2-49
Fuse, 2-49
Multiprogrammer Extender Assembly
Controls and Indicators, 2-8
Description, 1-13
Principles of Operation, 1-24
Replacement, 2-56
Multiprogrammer Extender Assembly
2A2A11 Repair: 2-57
Circuit Card Assembly, 2-57
Fuse, 2-57
Change 11