TM 11-6625-3081-23
Subject, Para
P (cont)
Preventative Maintenance Checks and
Services (PMCS):
General, 2-10
Paint Touchup and Marking Data, 2-20
PMCS Procedures, 2-11
Principles of Operation:
Electro-Optical Test Bench Set, 1-22
Dayside Test Bench 2A1, 1-23
Nightside Test Bench 2A3, 1-25
Test Console Test Bench 2A2, 1-24
Electronic Station 1, 1-21
General, 1-19
System Functional Description, 1-20
Test Program Sets (TPS), 1-26
Programmable Digitizer 2A2A1:
Alinement, 8-5
Controls and Indicators, 2-8
Description, 1-13
Principles of Operation, 1-24
Repair, 2-44
Replacement, 2-43
Troubleshooting, 7-29
Programmable Power Supply Assembly 1A3,
Controls and Indicators, 2-26
Principles of Operation, 2-21
Replacement, 2-30
Troubleshooting, 7-5
Programmable Power Supply Assembly 1A3
Repair, 2-31
Ground Lead, 2-31
Power Supply 1A3PS1 thru 1A3PS4,
Programmable Pulse Generator,
Troubleshooting, 7-30
INDEX (cont)
Subject, Para
P (cont)
Programmer Cards 1A2A1 thru 1A2A4, 488
Controller Power Supply Assembly 1A2
Repair, 2-29
Protective Skirt Replacement, Base
Assembly Repair, 5-6
Radiometer Head 2A1A8:
Description, 1-12
Principles of Operation, 1-23
Troubleshooting, 7-22
References, Appendix A-1
Reference Designations, 1-8, Appendix E
Regulator, Pneumatic Control Panel
Repair, 5-37
Relay K1, Optical Signal Analyzer (OSA)
Filter and Detector Assembly 2A1A1A14
Repair, 5-14
Relay K1, Optical Signal Analyzer (OSA)
Power Supply Assembly 2A1A1A6 Repair,
Relay K1 or K2, Connector J1, Terminal
Board Al, Power Supply Assembly 2A1A6
Repair, 5-29
Relay K1 thru K4, Optical Signal Analyzer
(OSA) Relay Assembly 2A1A1A12 Repair,
Relay K1 thru K3, Optical Signal
Generator (OSG) Assembly 2A2A3 Repair,
Relay 2A2A7A4K1 thru K15, Electronic
Drawer Assembly 2A2A7 Repair, 5-34
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