TM 11-6625-3081-23
A TPS consists of those peculiar items necessary to test a UUT on the AN/USM-410
test station and EETF TADS/PNVS augmentation equipment. A TPS is classified as
either AVIM or depot and of these 51 TPSs, there are 14 AVIM and 37 depot test
program sets.
A TPS includes the following:
Test program software
TPS hardware
Additional instructions (as required)
The test program software written in adapted ATLAS contains Instructions which,
when executed by the test equipment, will provide stimuli and measurements required
to test a UUT.
The objective of the test is to automatically determine the opera-
tional readiness of the UUT and to isolate a fault if it exists. The test program
software begins by performing three tests to ensure the test adapter and test equip-
ment are operational.
The first test performed is the survey test. This test
ensures that the following test equipment functions are operational:
All test equipment stimuli and measurement connections used in the test
program software can be made.
All test equipment sources used in the test program software can be
programmed to at least one set of used parameters within the required
All measurement hardware devices used can be programmed to make at least one
measurement within the required tolerances.
The second test performed is the Interface Device Self Test (IDSELFTEST). This
test is performed just before the UUT is connected to verify that every switched
signal path through the test accessories used in the test program software can be
closed or opened.
It also verifies that every active signal conditioning function
in the test accessories performs to the required tolerance. The third test iS the
safe- to-power up test.
It ensures the test program software can be started without
causing damage to the UUT or test equipment because of excess current or less than
minimum safe UUT input impedance.
Once these preliminary tests are satisfied the
test program software is run to test the UUT.
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