TM 11-6625-3081-23
1-26. TEST PR0GRAM SETS (TPS) (cont)
(6) Personality Circuit Card Assemblies
There are five different types of
personality circuit card assemblies (personality cards):
Signal conditioning
Programmable resistor
Signal routing
Hi-watt load
S p a re
Each of these types are housed in the major test adapter in one of five card slots,
A5-A9; signal conditioning in slot A5, programmable resistor in slot A6, signal
routing in slot A7, hi-watt load in slot A8, and spare in slot A9. Each personality
card has a P1 and P2 connector, and depending on the instructions displayed on the
VDT is connected to the motherboard inside the major test adapter by either
(a) The signal conditioning personality card provides circuitry to amplify
or attenuate signals to/from the UUT.
It may also include circuitry to provide
additional signals needed that are not supplied by the test equipment.
(b) Programmable resistor personality card contains different values of
resistors that are programmable by the test program.
If a particular value of
impedance is needed, the test program energizes the appropriate relays to switch the
resistance value needed into the signal path.
(c) Signal routing personality card provides necessary signal routing from
one connector or personality card in the major test adapter to another.
It provides
additional connections that are normally not present in the major test adapter.
(d) Hi-watt load personality card is used if a high power signal is pres-
ent during testing.
It contains the components (hi-watt resistors, transistors,
etc.) to handle and attenuate if necessary, a high-watt signal between the UUT and
test equipment.
(e) The spare personality card is used for miscellaneous functions not
covered by one of the other four personality cards.
Of the 14 AVIM TPSs, six require instructions that cannot be displayed on the
The instructions are in the form of illustrations, procedures, or
TM 9-6625-476-30 contains these additional instructions. When one of the six
TPSs requiring additional instructions is tested, the test program software will
reference specific illustration or paragraph numbers in the TM at the point in the
program where they are required.
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