TM 11-6625-3081-23
(b) The PMT, shutter, lens filter, and focus lens are under program control.
The PMT housing is controlled by PMT controller 1A7.
The photon emitter assembly is
used during self-test and is under program control.
(1.1) Adapter Panel Assembly 2A1A1.
The adapter panel assembly (EO bench 00106 and
up) is an electrical Interface used to route certain cable connections from inside the
dayside test bench to its front panel.
It contains no active components.
(2) Inner Module 2A1A2.
The inner module 2A1A2 provides an enclosed test cell
for the dayside test bench electrical and optical assemblies.
The inner module
contains the following assemblies:
Optics assembly 2A1A2A1
Shutter assembly 2A1A2A2
Radiometer assembly 2A1A2A3
Dayside sensor mount 2A1A2A4
Laser fold mirror assembly 2A1A2A6
Filter wheel/motor assembly 2A1A2A1O
Lampholder assembly 2A1A2A11
Automatic focus control assembly 2A1A2A12
Beam sampler 2A1A2A13
Laser cover assembly 2A1A2A19
(a) The optics assembly contains the
and charged induced device (CID) video camera.
low-level laser energy for testing the sensitivity
range receiver UUTS.
laser simulator assembly, translator,
The laser simulator assembly provides
of the laser
(b) The translator contains two mirrors, mounted on a
driven by a stepper motor.
The translator moves the mirrors to
(c) The CID video camera is used to measure the laser
(spread) using an array of photodetectors. The video output is
spot tracker and laser
linear translator,
three positions.
beam divergence
sent to the camera
head control unit in the electronics drawer assembly 2A2A7, where the video images are
changed to electrical signals.
(d) The shutter assembly is a safety device which prevents laser energy from
escaping the inner module.
It is opened by a solenoid, under computer command, during
testing that uses the laser simulator or test lamp.
Two optical switches sense the
shutter open and shutter closed positions.
The shutter is always closed during laser
transceiver testing,
If it is not closed, an interlock will prevent firing of the
(e) The radiometer assembly detects laser radiation from the UUT and trans-
mits output signals to an output connector on the VHF cable entry panel 2A2A2. Using
TPS cables, these signals are routed to an input connector on the programmable digi-
tizer 2A2A1, where they are converted to digital data for analysis by the computer.
The radiometer is used for making laser power tests, detecting missed pulses, deter-
mining pulse width, and pulse-to-pulse energy stability.
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