TM 11-6625-3081-23
PURPOSE (cont)
(b) The test parameters checked during testing are as follows:
Boresight alinement of the following:
-NFOV to the optical center reference
-Medium field-of-view (MFOV) to NFOV
Range focus on the TADS NFOV
(c) The test parameters checked during testing of the laser transceiver unit
are as follows:
Boresight of laser transceiver
Laser pulse energy per pulse
Stability of laser pulse energy from pulse to pulse
Divergence of laser beam does not exceed desired parameters
No laser pulses are missed during transmission
Average pulse width of laser beam remains constant
Sensitivity of laser transceiver
(d) The test parameters checked during testing of the optical relay tube
(ORT) are as follows:
Transmittance of light energy in the ORT is within prescribed
Ratio or the illuminance of the receiver image to the illuminance of
the actual image
(e) The test parameters checked during testing of the laser tracker/receiver
are as follows:
Minimum detectable energy requirements
Proper optical/electronic noise (shading) exists
Ratio of illuminance of the received signal to the illuminance of the
actual image is within the prescribed tolerance
Verify minimum detectable signal (just above noise) using a
temperature valve
Verify amount of increase in .
temperature required to change an image
from noise to a completely black image