TM 11-6625-3081-23
(b) The multiprogrammer assembly expands the 16-bit input, 16-bit output
register of the digital computer assembly 1A1O to control up to 240 12-bit input or
output channels.
(7) Electronics Drawer Assembly 2A2A7.
The electronics drawer assembly 2A2A7
contains nine circuit cards used for motor control, temperature measurements, pulse
generation, and signal multiplexing.
(a) A camera head/control unit receives video images, changes the images
to electrical signals, and transmits these signals to a first-in-first-out (FIFO)
memory CCA for temporary storage.
(b) AVSG receives pulses of information from the PPG CCAs and converts
these pulses to video information and clock signals.
(c) A relay assembly contains 15 solid state relays which provide 13 func-
tions for the E/O bench set.
(8) Matrix Switch Assembly 2A2A1O and Switch Controller Assembly 2A2A12. The
switch controller assembly 2A2A12 translates switch-unit command messages, present
on the IEEE 488 bus, into command and timing signals that control the matrix switch
assembly 2A2A1O.
The controller also provides a switching self-test function for
both the controller and the matrix switch assembly.
(a) In addition, the switch controller assembly provides +5 vdc logic
power and +12 vdc relay power for the matrix switch assembly.
The matrix switch assembly
connected to any one of 120 outputs.
(c) The inputs
1-10 -
11-15 -
1 6 -
are as follows:
ten inputs from
assembly 2A2A4.
allows any one of the 16 inputs to be
DIU connector J6 on the test adapter panel
five inputs from analog to digital converter assembly
(d) The outputs are
T/P 1-1 20 -
input is grounded.
as follows:
120 output lines routed to APIC connector J1 on the
test adapter panel assembly 2A2A4.
Change 18