TM 11-6625-3081-23
PURPOSE (cont)
Disc/tape drive assembly 1A1O - 132.1 megabyte storage device used in
conjunction with the digital computer assembly.
Digital computer assembly 1A11 - controls and programs the augmentation
equipment for self test, calibration, and UUT testing.
The E/O test bench set provides the electrical, optical, and mechanical interface
with the UUT.
It consists of the following assemblies.
Dayside test bench
Test console test bench
Nightside test bench
Pneumatic leveling and isolation system
(1) Dayside Test Bench.
The dayside test bench provides the stimulus and test
devices required to test those UUTs associated with day functions; television, and
laser operations.
It consists of two major assemblies:
Optical signal analyzer (OSA) (E/O bench serial No. 00001 thru 00105)
Inner module assembly
(a) The OSA provides the capability to test the heads down display (HDD),
indirect view display (IVD), and heads out display (HOD). The test parameters checked
are as follows:
Brightness range
Raster size
(b) The inner module assembly is used to test the TADS day sensor assembly,
laser transceiver unit, laser tracker/receiver, range receiver, and control panel
(c) The test parameters checked during testing of the day sensor assembly
Boresight adjustment of the day sensor assembly vision optics (DVO)
narrow field-of-view (NFOV).
Alinement of the wide field-of-view (WFOV) to the NFOV on the DVO and
TV optics.
Verify the wide and narrow field-of-view to the optical center
reference on the DVO and TV optics.
Verify the focus range of the TV.
Verify the ratio of the illuminance of the received vision to the
illuminance of the actual image.
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