TM 11-6625-3081-23
7 - 2
Self-test module VSGST is used as an example to describe electronics
troubleshooting methodology.
VSGST is the input code for Video Signal Generator
(VSG) assembly 2A2A7A1 self-test (ST).
To locate the paragraph containing troubleshooting information for this module,
you would:
(1) BY reference designation the VSG (2A2A7A1) is physiCally located in Test
Console Test Bench 2A2, electronics drawer A7.
(2) Refer to Chapter 7 table of contents and determine the section number
containing troubleshooting information for the Test Console Test Bench 2A2. You
will find that this information is located in Section IV.
(3) Refer to Section IV table of contents and determine the paragraph number
for Video Signal Generator (VSG) Case Assembly 2A2A7A1 Input Code: VSGST.
(4) This paragraph will contain a description,
replacement procedure reference,
repair messages (fault segments), and corrective actions.
A flow chart showing the troubleshooting process, and a description of each
block is provided in this paragraph.
Description of the flow chart is keyed by
numbers in the synbol column.
These numbers correspond to the circled numbers
located near the blocks on the flow chart.