TM 11-6625-3081-23
(3) The radiometer assembly 2A1A2A3 is located in the top center section of the
test bench behind the beam sampler 2A1A2A13 and laser mount. The assembly consists of
a detector head, a radiometer, and a component assembly (power supply and filtering
The radiometer assembly mounts to a support assembly that is secured to the
inner module.
The rear panel of the detector head contains a toggle switch, two
rotary switches, a coaxial connector, and a rectangular connector.
switches and the coaxial connector are used for testing the radiometer assembly.
Coaxial cable assembly 2A1A2W22 connects between the detector head and cable entry
panel 2A1A2A17 for system output.
Cable assembly 2A1A2W40 connects to the rectangular
connector and inputs power, transmits feedback signals, and provides a signal measure-
ment source.
The purpose of the radiometer assembly is to make laser power tests,
detect missed laser pulses, and determine pulse width and energy stability between
Radiometer Assembly Characteristics:
Maximum Peak Current: 100 mA
Maximum Average Current: 1.0 mA
Effective Active Area (Diffuser):
2.58 in2; 16.6 cm2
Pulse Rise Time (Scope viewing): 8 ns across 50 ohms
Pulse Viewing Resistors:
50 ohms, 500 ohms, 5000 ohms, OPEN
Aperture Ratios:
1, 1/3, 1/10, 1/30, 1/100, 1/300, 1/1000, and 1/3000
Physical Dimensions:
Length 6.50 in
5.25 in
7.50 in
Weight 8 lb
(4) The dayside sensor mount assembly 2A1A2A4 is a heavy, cast aluminum mount
that supports and positions the TADS day sensor assembly UUT for testing. It is
mounted to the front side of the dayside test bench and consists of sensor mount,
laser safety shield, laser interface carriage, end plate, laser interlock rod, four
cable assemblies, an actuator switch, and a UUT dayside mounting adapter.
(a) The sensor mount contains the mount bracket, sensor mount (UUT locking)
handle, and cable assembly.
The handle is manually positioned to lock or to unlock
the UUT to the mount bracket.
The handle in the forward position (unlock-towards
dayside test bench) retracts four locking cams.
The handle in the aft position
reverses the position of the cams and locks the UUT to the mount bracket. The cable
assembly contains two optical switch assemblies, A1 and A2, that sense the lock or
unlock position.
(b) The laser safety shield, laser interface carriage, laser carriage
handle, laser interlock rod, and end plate make up the holding assembly for the UUTs,
laser transceiver and laser tracker receiver.