TM 11-6625-3081-23
The inner module 2A1A2 is an assembly made up of heavy gauge, (1.24 inch thick),
aluminum alloy.
The unit is positioned inside the dayside test bench cabinet on 12,
zinc-plated, elastomer isolators (maximum load rating of 250 lb each). These isola-
tors, six on the left side and six on the right side, secure the inner module to the
inner walls of the dayside cabinet.
Two grounded terminal-bonding connections protect
against radio frequency interference.
One is a jumper assembly which connects the
cabinet to the inner module, while the other connects the inner module to the laser
cover assembly.
An access plate, located above the laser cover assembly, contains two
indicating desiccator assemblies.
The purpose of the inner module is to provide an
enclosed test cell (platform) for the dayside collimator electrical and optical
Items installed on the inner module include:
Optics assembly 2A1A2A1
Shutter assembly 2A1A2A2
Radiometer assembly 2A1A2A3
Dayside sensor mount assembly 2A1A2A4
Laser fold mirror assembly 2A1A2A6
Filter wheel/motor assembly 2A1A2A1O
Lampholder assembly 2A1A2A11
Automatic focus control assembly 2A1A2A12
Beam sampler 2A1A2A13
Cable entry panel 2A1A2A17
Laser protective cover assembly 2A1A2A19
(1) The optics assembly 2A1A2A1 contains the laser test module and three cable
assemblies with sensors.
Contained in the laser test module are a camera (General
Electric model TN 2500 CID Matrix Array).
The camera is used to measure the laser
beam divergence (spread) using an array of photodetectors.
(2) The shutter assembly 2A1A2A2 is located on the front side of the dayside
test bench assembly.
It contains a solenoid and arm assembly, a cable assembly
2A1A2A2W4 containing two optical switches and various mechanical parts required for
operating the eight, interlinked shutter blades.
Two connectors J1 and J2, located
on the shutter assembly connector mounting plate, provide the power source and
control voltages for shutter assembly operation.
The shutter assembly provides a
protective cover for inadvertent laser firing and an opening for interfacing the
dayside test bench with the TADS day sensor assembly UUT.
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