TM 11-6625-3081-23
1-23. DAYSIDE TEST BENCH 2A1 (cont)
(e) Multiprogrammer assembly 2A2A6 transmits programmed output signals
(DC LASER LCW, DC LASER CH ON, DC LASER RESET) to the laser simulator CCA. A digi-
tal to analog solid state output switch signal (LASER SIMULATOR) is sent. Analog
signals (DC LASER PWR, DC LASER AMP, DC LASER SIM) are returned from the laser
simulator assembly to the analog to digital converter assembly 2A2A13 and a
LASER CH OUT signal is sent to the PPG #1 CCA in the electronics drawer
assembly 2A2A7.
(f) Translator (A8) consisting of two mirrors mounted on a single linear
translator moves the mirrors into one of three positions to perform the following
Position 1 selects the path for laser beam divergence tests, direct
view optics tests, and TV optics tests (dayside sensor tests).
Position 2 selects the path for laser spot tracker sensitivity
tests, laser range receiver tests, and laser path transmittance
Position 3 moves the mirrors out of the path to permit alinement
(g) The translator is driven by signals (DSMB (01-04) from the motor
control driver CCA 2A2A7A6A1.
Control signals (DSMB EN1, DSMB EN2) from motor mux
CCA 2A2A7A6A3, select the translator positions.
(h) Position of the translator is detected by three optical switches and
transmitted to the motor mux CCA 2A2A7A6A3 on three lines (DSMB01, DSMB02, and
(i) The CID video camera (A15) is used to measure laser beam divergence
(spread) using an array of photodetectors.
Video output is sent to the camera
head/control unit 2A2A7A2, where the video images are changed to electrical
(3) Shutter Assembly 2A1A2A2.
The shutter assembly is a safety device which
prevents laser energy from escaping the inner module.
It is opened by a solenoid,
under computer command, during testing that uses the laser simulator or test lamp.
Two optical switches sense the shutter open and shutter closed positions. The
shutter is always closed during laser transceiver testing. If it is not closed, an
interlock will prevent firing of the laser.
(a) The DC SHUTTER OPEN signal from multiprogrammer assembly 2A2A6 is
routed to relay assembly 2A2A7A4.
When the relay (K4) is energized by a signal from
FIFO CCA 2A2A7A6A5, the DC SHUTTER OPEN signal is routed to the shutter assembly
solenoid and the shutter opens.
A spring pulls the shutter vanes closed when the DC
SHUTTER OPEN signal is removed.
Change 1
(b) The DC SHUTTER OPEN and DC SHUTTER CLOSED signals from two optical
switches are routed to the digital input cards in the multiprogramner assembly