TM 11-6625-3081-23
(a) The video signal generator assembly 2A2A7A1 is mounted between the
relay and camera head control unit assembly on the mounting plate. Five connectors
J1 thru J5 are on the top side of the case. A CCA and other miscellaneous
electronic devices are located inside the case.
The purpose of the video signal
generator is to form complex video waveforms as directed by the test station.
(b) Camera head control unit 2A2A7A3 is mounted on the base of the
electronics drawer assembly.
The camera head control unit is one part of the camera
head/control unit assembly (General Electric model 4TN2500A12). The other part is
the CID video camera (camera head).
The camera head and control unit assembly make
up a serialized matched set.
Camera head control unit 2A2A7A3 and camera head
2A1A2A1A1A15, located in the dayside test bench, make up the matched set. The
camera head control unit contains a front panel POWER ON rocker switch and rear
panel connectors (four signal and control connectors, a power connector, and quick
disconnect ground lead).
The purpose of the camera head control unit is to provide
the timing and drive inputs to the camera head and receive and process the video
returns from the camera head.
(c) Relay assembly 2A2A7A4 is located on the left side plate of the drawer
It consists of a relay bracket and 15 control relays.
(d) Heatsink assembly 2A2A7A5 is located behind video signal generator
It consists of a heat sink bracket assembly, a microcircuit Q1, a power
resistor R1, and a terminal board TB1 (terminal 1 thru 4).
Physical Dimensions:
25.75 in
19.00 in
12.219 in
Change 20
1-73/(1-74 blank)