TM 11-4940-480-14
2-1. Siting and Installation
grounded before power is applied. Use the
ground stakes and ground straps provided.
There are no installation requirements inside the shelter.
Select a grounding site within 8 feet of the shelter power
The test equipments and other components are stored or
entrance panel. Ground the shelter as follows:
fastened in position and ready for use once power is ap-
a. Scoop out a hole about 6 inches deep.
A. The site selected for locating the shelter depends
b. Drive a clean ground rod into the hole until the top
on the terrain. Whenever possible, locate the shelter on
of the ground rod is approximately 12 inches from the
firm, dry, level ground.
bottom of the hole. Saturate the ground around the rod
b. The trailer-mounted power supply should be
with water.
located within 100 feet of the shelter. The trailer should
c. Connect one end of a ground strap to the ground
also be located on firm, dry, level ground.
rod and the other end to the main ground (GND) ter-
minal in the power entrance panel.
2-2. Grounding Procedures
d. Ground the trailer-mounted power supply using
similar procedures.
The shelter and power supply must be earth-
2-1/ (2-2 blank)