TECHNICAL MANUAL - TM-11-4940-480-140001WARNINGSOPERATOR'S, ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT SUPPORT, AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE MANUALTabel of ContentsFigure 1-I. S-280B/G Shelter (modified), rear view.Chapter 1.INTRODUCTIONDescription of ShelterFigure 1-2. Trailer-mounted PU-619/M, generator set.Figure 1-3. S-280B/G Shelter (Modified) innerroad side viewFigure 1-4. S-280B/G Shelter (modified), inner front viewFigure 1-5. S-280B/G Shelter (modified), inner curbside viewFigure 1-6. S-280B/G Shelter (modified), inner rear viewFigure 1-7. S-280B/G Shelter (modified), inner floor viewChapter 2. INSTALLATIONChapter 3. OPERATIONFigure 3-1, Air conditioner operating controls.Chapter 4. MAINTENANCEShelter Power Distribution (fig. FO-1)Chapter 5. LIMITED STORAGE AND TRANSIT, AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USEApppendix A. REFERENCESApppendix A. REFERENCES - continuedAppendix B. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM LISTSection II. INTEGRAL COMPONENTS OF END ITEMSection III. Basic Issue ItemsAppendix C. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTSection I. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTAppendix D. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIONRemarksSECTION II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection III. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSSection IV. REMARKSAppendix E. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSection II. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTFigure FO-1. S-280B/G Shelter (modified), wiring diagram for AN/TSM-126A applicatTM-11-4940-480-14 Electronic Shop Transportable AN/TSM-126A Manual