the illustration figure, which is prepared for a func-
D- The lowest maintenance level capable of com-
tional group, subfunctional group, or an assembly.
plete repair of the support item is the depot
4. Special Information
a. The following publications pertain to the
Z- Nonreparable. No repair is authorized.
AN/TSM-126A and its components
(3) Recoverability code. Recoverability codes
TM 5-4120-222-14, Air Conditioner: Compact Verti-
are assigned to support items to indicate the
cal, 208V, 3 Phase, 18,000 BTUH Cooling, 12,000
disposition action on unserviceable items. The re-
BTUH Heating (Trane Models), 50/60 Hertz,
coverability code is entered in the fifth position of
Model CE20VAL6, 400 Hertz, Model CE20VAL4
the Uniform SMR Code format as follows:
TM 5-4120-222-24P, Air Conditioned Compact Ver-
tical, 208V, 3 Phase, 18,000 BTUH Cooling, 12,000
BTUH Heating (Trane Models), 50/60 Cycle Mod-
Z- Nonreparable item. When unserviceable, con-
el CE20VAL6; 400 Cycle Model CE20VAL4
demn and dispose at the level indicated in posi-
TM 5-4520-232-14, Heater, Space, Multi-Fuel,
tion 3.
W/Blower; 15,000 BTU/Hour, 120V, 60 Hertz,
F- Reparable item. When uneconomically repar-
3.5 AMP (Hunter Model UH.48 Type 1)
able, condemn and dispose at the direct sup-
TM 5-6115-365-15, Generator Sets, Gasoline and
port level.
Diesel Engine Driven, Trailer Mounted, PU-
D- Reparable item. When beyond lower level
236A/G, PU-236/G; PU-236B/G; PU-253A/U,
repair capability, return to depot. Condemna-
PU-253/U; PU-304C/MPQ-4; PU-332/G;
tion and disposal not authorized below depot
PU-332A/G; PU-375A/G, PU-375/G; PU-
375B/G; PU-401/M; PU-402/M; PU-406/M;
PU-409/M; PU-409A/M; PU-495/G; PU-551/G;
c. National Stock Number. Indicates the National
PU-564A/G; PU-564B/G; PU-617/M; PTJ-
stock number assigned to the item and will be used
for requisitioning purposes.
618/M; PU-619/M; PU-620/M; PU-625/G;
PU-628/G; PU-629/G; PU-631/G; PU-656/G ,
d. Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer
PU-650B/G; PU-625/G; PU-628/G; PU-629/G;
(FSCM). The FSCM is a 5-digit numeric code listed
PU-631/G; PU-656/G
in SB 708-41/42 which is used to identify the manu-
facturer, distributor, or Government agency, etc.
e. Part Number. Indicates the primary number
TM 11-4940-475-4, Electronic Shop, Transportable
used by the manufacturer (individual, company,
firm, corporation, or Government activity), which
TM 11-5410-213-14P, Shelters, Electrical Equip-
controls the design and characteristics of the item
ment S-280A/G and S-280B/G
by means of its engineering drawings, specifica-
TM 11-5895-687-12, Interrogator Set AN/TPX-50
TM 11-5895-687-20P, Interrogator Set AN/TPX-50
tions, standards, and inspection requirements to
identify an item or range of items.
TM 11-5895-687-34P-1, Interrogator Set AN/
TM 11-5895-687-34P-2, Signal Processor CP-
When a stock numbered item is requisi-
tioned, the repair part received may have a
TM 11-5895-687-34P-3, Synchronizer, Electrical
different part number than the part being
Radio RT-903/TPX-50
f. Description. Indicates the Federal item name
TM 11-5895-687-35-1, Interrogator Set AN/
and, if required, a minimum description to identify
the item.
TM 11-5895-687-35-2, Interrogator Set AN/
g. Unit of Measure (U/M). Indicates the standard
TPX-50 and Signal Processor CP-936/TPX-50
of the basic quantity of the listed item as used in
TM 11-5895-687-35-3, Interrogator Set AN/
performing the actual maintenance function. This
TPX-50 (Electrical Synchronizer SN-421/TPX-
measure is expressed by a two-character alpha-
betical abbreviation (e.g., ea, in, pr, etc). When the
TM 11-5895-687-35-4, Interrogator Set AN/ TPX-
unit of measure differs from the unit of issue, the
lowest unit of issue that will satisfy the required
units of measure will be requisitioned.
TM 11-6130-233-12, Power Supplies PP-2953/U,
h. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. Indicates the
PP-2953A/U and PP-2953C/U
quantity of the item used in the breakout shown on